Monday, November 1, 2010

Perfect Timing

I am so super excited about what I read in my email inbox this morning. As some of you will recall I never get online over the weekend or at home due to a miserably slow dial up connection. So I try to get to work extra early on Monday's to catch up on my email and my blog reading before the days starts. So I was perusing my inbox when I came across my email from The Sisterhood and I was so excited when I started reading it. They are hosting a virtual 5k. Training starts today and the run is scheduled for January 8th, 2011, nine weeks from today. This could not have come at a better time for me.
I have really let my running fall by the wayside since I ran my first 5k back in the end of September. Over a month ago and I have just not had the heart to get up and keep up with my training. What a waste. This gives me something to train for again. And although I will be running the race in my own home on my treadmill it is still going to push me to get stronger and work on my pace and form. Besides that I was looking for something new to do. I was laying in bed last night with a horrible case of insomnia! Ahh, and I was thinking,"Hey, tomorrow is November 1st, this is a great time to set some new goals for myself and get moving again, hmmm, but what to do." So this could not have come at a more perfect time. And I have a Christmas trip planned for Florida in two months and the training will help to ensure that I don't gain the dreaded holiday weight and that I can fit into my capri's for my vacation.
I can't wait to get home tonight and start training again. I really needed this to keep my going through the holiday's and the winter months when it is so much easier to snuggle up on the couch with a warm blanket and watch endless hours of TV. Not this year! Maybe this will be the year that instead of setting a New's Years resolution to get healthy, it is the year that I set a resolution to stay healthy! Who's with me?

I run with the Sisterhood

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