OK, so I admit it has been awhile since I have written. Too long in fact. Life just gets busy sometimes. So lets catch up. January ended with a bang of Birthday's, first mine then K's, then my sister and a good friend of mine. It was party after party after party! All of which I behaved very well at, considering I would rather not drink at all than have a hangover the next day.
My little K is not so little anymore. He turned 8 on January 27th and I am still amazed everyday that God gave me such a perfect little miracle all my own. We had a great birthday with cake and ice cream and lots of grandma's and grandpa's which are his favorite people outside of his Dad and me.
When I thought things had settled down I got a call from my sister to please please please go to Las Vegas with her for a belated birthday. So at the end of the month I am flying from snow covered Michigan to sunny Las Vegas for 5 fun filled days! I am so excited. My sister and I are great traveling companions and it has been years since we pulled off a trip together.
I have been working out and watching what I eat. I found a new walking video that I am really liking and I am doing some strength training 2-3 days a week. Winter blues are getting to everyone in my house, so it is nice to escape to my workout space and forget that everyone is crabby and tired of all the snow.
I have had a lot of major changes at work in the last 2 weeks and I am pretty excited for what the future holds for me there. I am thinking lots of good changes are starting to happen and I can't wait. Gary had some major changes in his work too. He used to work nights every other week and I can not even begin to explain to you how messed up his sleep schedule was. He was nearly impossible to deal with every other week because he was tired and just when he got used to things, he would switch back to days. Finally he is working days all the time. It does require a few over night trips occasionally, but he is for the most part home and sleeping well.
Well I guess that about gets up caught up. I will really make an effort to post more often. I considered taking down my blog for awhile while I wasn't posting but I have since decided not too. I think I just need to get on more and write about everything that is going on with life and not just the number on the scale!