Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Fever

I have a confession, I am suffering from Spring fever. In my neck of Michigan we are finally getting some nicer weather, we hit 50 degrees today. I realize for some people that is freezing, but for us Michiganders, it is practically a heat wave. I even drove with the window down in my truck for a few miles today on my way home. I have to admit it wasn't exactly warm, but the fresh air was invigorating. I am more than a little ready to open windows and air out the house after being cooped up for the last 6 months.
The sun is shining and the temperatures are rising. I am in heaven, but I am ready for the good weather to come just a little faster. The bright sunshine on my drive home is a great switch, even tonight when I stayed at work an hour past my normal time, it was still bright outside. I needed sunglasses! It was wonderful.
With all this sunshine, I am getting Spring fever. I am ready to start my garden, ok well it isn't really my garden. It is my inlaws garden that we help with. Mostly because they have a better yard for a garden and they have more time to tend to it. I went to the store yesterday and picked up a few seed packets and I will actaully be starting them inside this week.
I canned jam and jelly all weekend and I am excited to can some more. I love to can. Which is oddly strange since I hate a messy kitchen and it tends to make my counters feel messy because they are covered in cooling jars, but I can overlook that when I see those beautiful colorful jars shining back at me.
I am looking forward to canning alot this year. Last year we canned homemade v-8 juice, dilly beans, jam and potatoes. This year I want to try a few new things, maybe beets and pickles and relish. Luckily for me my mother in law is literally an old farmers wife and she is amazing at canning and she is so wonderful to help me with whatever project I am working on. Besides that she likes to do a lot of the prep work for me.
The nicer days are even making getting outside for walks and bike rides easier. Kris and I are getting our bikes out of storage this week and getting them checked over to make sure they are road ready, so that we can spend the weekend riding bikes.
Our first trip to the upper penisula is planned for 3 weeks to go to our cabin. We are taking the quad and hopefully the snow will be gone so we can get some nice rides in.
Can you see how excited I am? I have so much planned for this year. Come on Michigan bring on Spring!! So what do you have a fever for these days?

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