Sunday, June 6, 2010

Congratulations Connor

My nephew, Connor, graduated today. I am so very proud of him. He has been my little buddy since he was born. I was 14 when he came into this world, I remember my sister was in labor and I was watching her first born, Marcia, while Mom and Dad were at the hospital with her. Connor's Dad wasn't there, at the time he was in the Navy and wasn't able to be there. I remember riding my bike with Marcia in the little bike seat on the back to and from the hospital all morning and finally that afternoon Connor arrived. Connor, Connor fat head we called him, and he was perfect, and still is. He has put us all through moments of terror, like when he swallowed a penny, and when he was diagosed with Diabetes a few years ago. But more than that he has brought us so much joy. He is funny and determined and helpful. He is just an all round good kid, and now he has graduated. He is going off to culinary school in 6 weeks and I will miss him. I am so proud of him though. He has met the challenges of his life and faced them. He is going to go places in this world and as always I will be standing there, telling everyone that will listen that he is my nephew and I am proud of him. Way to go Connor.

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